What is a taboo?

A taboo means prohibited. Some actions and conducts that are prohibited due to cultural, social or religious issues.

Taboos are usually installed on what is considered unnatural.

Among the various types of existing taboos, we should highlight those that refer to the prohibition of doing or say certain words or phrases.

Moreover, today I am going to talk about it.

Human cannibalism is when a human eats the flesh from another human being. A person who practices cannibalism is called a cannibal. Also the animals can be cannibals not only humans. 
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The expression has been extended into zoology to mean one individual of a species consuming all or part of another individual of the same species as method to survive when they are hungry. There no firm evidence exists that cannibalism has ever been a socially acceptable practice anywhere in the world, at any time in history and obviously not now.

There is a story about a family that lived in a cave where there was nothing only the cave, they stay there for 
days even months without food, a man that was also lost finds them and he starts to live with them, with this thing 
of the food, the dad has the idea of why not eat the man that start to live with them, so there is when the family 
became cannibal, the family had walked around this place watching for lost people to eat them, the authorities find
 out the family and they make searches on them.

This is a story that I listen and know about for a year ago I think so I can’t give credits.
But there is a similar video about this kind of story in YouTube from PAULETTE

Resultado de imagen para canibalismoIt was still practiced in Papua New Guinea as of 2012, for cultural reasons and in ritual and in war in various Melanesian tribes.

Cannibalism has said to test the bounds of cultural relativism because it challenges anthropologists "to define what is or is not beyond the pale of acceptable human behavior".

It’s funny that we are scared about zombies, and people like moms or older people say “they didn’t even exist” but there is not different to cannibal humans. :o

So what do you think about this taboo?

This is only one of a lot of taboos in the world.

Hope you enjoy this blog.

Love you.

Xoxo, brighit.



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